Saturday, August 23, 2008

Matching shirts and more......

My manager bought Benjamin and Ethan matching shirts. The problem is that they do not make "Big Brother" t-shirts in 18 months. (Big brothers are supposed to older and bigger then Benjamin. Guess that most people do not have children this close together.) So, we had to wait for Benjamin to grow into his shirt a little! This will not be the last of the matching shirts! Don't they look cute???

During the photo shoot with Benjamin, Ethan was trying to sit up -- we are very close to him sitting up on his own. Look for more pictures this week of new things that Ethan is doing. Also note the peach fuzz Ethan is growing!

We had a very windy day here yesterday; it was the outer bands of Tropical Storm Fay that hit Florida 4 different time. The wind made it cooler so we had the chance to play at the park. Benjamin loves running in the wind. Doesn't he look windblown??

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