Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas 2010

We had Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at our house and we were fortunate to be able to celebrate with family (though we really missed Uncle Randy, Aunt Kay and Matt and Jason). It was a relaxed laid back holiday and the boys got more toys then they know what to do with, as seen below!

Uncle Evan spent the night with us on Christmas Eve and he and boys awoke to hear sleigh bells and Santa's "ho, ho, ho" as he was leaving. Evan got the boys an art easel and it has made for fun on a cold, snowy day.

Gebee got here in time for a little breakfast and they boy are telling her about the note that Santa left them.

Papa and Ms. Sharon looking on as the boys unwrap lots and lots of presents.

Uncle Evan handing out gifts -- hey, he looks a bit like Santa in his red sweater.

The boys got big wheels, batman capes, puzzles, games, and tools, among many other things. When I asked the boy what toys they liked best, Ethan told me he loves his green drill and hammer. Benjamin told me he loves his batman motorcycle and cape. Brian and I loved spending a relaxing time with the family. And, we will see Uncle Randy and Aunt Kay in a few days -- weather permitting!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

It's Snow Much Fun at Home with Mommy and Daddy

For the first time since 1882, we had snow on Christmas Day. The boys loved watching it fall and when they woke up this morning, they cared none about the toys from Santa (don't worry, that post is still coming), they just wanted to get outside.

Our resident snow man -- he would have been bigger is Ethan had not kept "crashing him down."

At 3pm, the grass is still covered in snow -- maybe we should go back out after nap!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dinner "Down The Town"

Saturday the boys, Brian, Papaw and I piled in the blue van and took a trip "down the town" (when Benjamin was younger, he would tell me he wanted to go see Uncle Evan "down the town" -- downtown) to have dinner with Evan. It was great to see Evan's tree and spend sometime with him. Evan also had a gingerbread house for the boys to decorate. Nate and Papaw helped with the decorating!

The final product -- it now sits on our kitchen table.

The boys loved looking at the ornaments on Evan's tree.

A rare site -- all of us in a picture at the same time. Thanks Nate for taking the picture!

And, Evan, thank you for inviting the unruly bunch of us -- I am sure that you are still finding gumdrops under your couch! We loved coming for dinner!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Breakfast with Jolly Old St Nick

The elves at our house have been busy "making" toys (aka ordering them online) and preparing for the holidays. The elves want to apologize for neglecting the blog.

A few weeks ago, we ate breakfast with Santa. The boys were so excited by this concept, as they would not have to sit on his lap --- just talk with Santa. (We have never had luck getting the boys to sit on Santa's lap.) As we sat and colored and ate, we talked about what the boys wanted to tell Santa. The boys also brought a few pictures they had colored to give to Santa.

The boys are talking about what they want Santa to bring them (Benjamin: "Batman wrapping paper" -- aka anything wrapped in Batman paper. Ethan: "Chocolate Toys, pancakes and cupcakes" -- aka anything that you can eat and is sweet.)

We hope that you have already talked with or sent a letter to Santa -- I heard that the elves are working over-time these days!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Hot Chocolate

We had big plans one night last week to introduce the boys to hot chocolate. We let them drink in the family room (yeah, I know we have lost our minds) and we read "Twas The Night Before Christmas." The boys loved drinking in the family room much more then they loved the hot chocolate. Benjamin was fascinated by the story. They have asked to eat/drink in the family room again, but I have heard no mention of hot chocolate!

With a current temp. outside of about 22 an a wind chill of about 15, now seems like a great time for some more hot chocolate! Stay warm!

Monday, November 29, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Monkeys in the Zoo

Last weekend we took the boys to the zoo. They had a special running last weekend that allowed us to get in for $5 each. We took Papaw with us and Evan met us there (thanks Evan for getting up early on the morning after your trip to Spain!). Before we met Papaw, we did something that we have only let the boys one other time in their lives -- eat Krispy Kreme doughnuts for breakfast. Ethan, as it turns out does not care for doughnuts (is he really my child???) and loved his hat. Benjamin loves the "stuff" in the doughnuts.

The boys and Papaw are visiting with the flamingos, while standing like flamingos.

They had a 5 minute train ride around the zoo and there is no way the boys would leave the zoo before riding on the train!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Last T-Ball Game

The season has come and gone. Benjamin's last game was last Saturday and he loved playing t-ball. I am certain that we will be at a loss on what to do this Saturday morning. Benjamin hustled after every ball -- even the ones not so close to him. And, when he hit the ball, he ran!

Ethan loved to warm up with the team. Ethan woke up on the morning of the last game and asked Benjamin if he could play with Benjamin's team for the last game. The loving big brother that Benjamin is said, sure you can. Ethan then asked me to find HIS Owlz shirt. (Of course he did not have one). We found an Owl shirt in Ethan's drawer and he was happy.

Ethan likes for us to take his picture and then he looks at it and laughs.

When the game was over, everyone got trophies. Benjamin has carried his around since Saturday!

Lucky for us -- there is spring t-ball.....only a few months away!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

NEWS FLASH: Do you know what time it is?

....time to be done with diapers at our house??
....time to have only big boys at our house??
....time to wear big boy underwear??


Ethan is wearing big boy underwear all day and for naps. We will try wearing big boy underwear at night time in a few weeks.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Morning After

The boys had Halloween parties at school on Friday. Papaw and Brian were in attendance. It was the kick off to a candy and sugar-filled weekend. The boys has so much fun wearing their costumes at school -- Benjamin did not have time for a picture, as Mickey Mouse was at his party!

The boys also participated in the neighborhood costume contest -- they did not win but got MORE candy.

Papa came dressed as a Cowboy.

And, Uncle Evan as a mechanic.

What a savory bunch of characters!

Gebee came to help pass out candy. Here Benjamin is telling Brian how much candy he got.

And, somewhere in all of the Halloween fun, we went to a birthday party this weekend. Yep, more sugar and candy!

So in honor of our weekend -- the boys and I are at Monkey Joe's ( a jump place) hoping that they can burn off some energy.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Sleeping Buddies

You know that I love a great picture of a sleeping baby. Well, the boys are no longer babies -- so I present to you.......Sleeping buddies!

Ethan was moved to a big bed about 2 months ago and loves it! He loves having so much space to move around and lots of space for all his "friends." We are beginning to look for a quilt and matching sheets for his new bed. You can also see that he still sleeps with his "Gigi." In fact, Ethan had become so attached to sleeping with Gigi that we were worried about what would happen if Gigi got lost. Uncle Evan was so gracious to buy a back-up Gigi. Ethan figured this out and now has to sleep with both of them.

To the right of Benjamin's pillow, you will see a farmer and pig -- Yes, he still sleeps with "Farmer" and "Dirty Feet" every night. (We struggle sometimes in the middle of the night when Farmer and Dirty Feet fall between the bed and the wall.)

The boys are getting so excited about Halloween and pumpkin carving -- pictures to come early next week. Have a great weekend and we hope that you sleep well tonight!