Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Enjoying the Spring

In honor of Earth Day today, we appreciated spring and spent a good bit of time outside. (As a side note, Brian and I cleaned out our closets and have a bunch of wire hangers that I am taking back to the dry cleaners to re-cycle.)
Ok -- back to Spring -- There is a really big rock by our house, known as what else -- "The Big Rock." The boys love going there and today we took a few books with us.

Guess which one of daddy's buddies just said his first word??? Yep, that would be Ethan.

Again, at the big rock.

In the spring, I love buying new shoes. The last two springs I was busy caring for a few babies. But, this spring, I am back -- here are a pair of my new shoes getting a second test drive. Funny, Benjamin doesn't want to try on his own new shoes, but mine are a different story!

Books at the big rock.

In case you have not guessed, Benjamin loves books. Ethan is fast following in his big brother's footsteps. Ethan said his first word yesterday. He brought me a book and said "book." Today he has already tried to say several other words. I am thinking that he will talk as much as the rest of the family!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ethan's Fisrt Birthday

A celebration fit for a King (I am referring to Ethan, not Evan)......... We celebrated Ethan's First Birthday on Easter Sunday. We had a fun time playing with all the new toys Ethan got. Ethan was far more interested in the wrapping and packaging then the presents themselves -- this is until, Benjamin started playing with Ethan's new toys. Then, Ethan was fascinated by all the new goodies.

Ethan loves his new helicopter.

On to the fun stuff:

Ethan loves making a mess and really enjoyed the icing.

Let's wash all that down with a little milk.....

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Eve

Earlier in the week, we colored Easter eggs. Benjamin really had fun and it was neat to see his face when the eggs came out with color on them. I was a little worried that he was going to knock over the bowl of food colored water and we would have a rainbow kitchen. If Benjamin had his way all the eggs would have been blue! He loves blue.

This morning was the annual Easter Egg hunt in our neighborhood. Benjamin and Ethan have been "playing Easter eggs" at home to get the hang of what you do at an egg hunt. They loved putting eggs in their baskets. As Benjamin was going through his eggs to check out his goodies, we realized that he had a grand prize egg and won an Easter basket filled with cool toys and coloring books.

Daddy and Ethan scoping out the sweet spots for the egg hunt.

We are "playing Easter eggs" tomorrow afternoon with the family. We are also celebrating Ethan's Birthday tomorrow. Look for many more entertaining pictures in the next few days! We hope you have a wonderful Easter!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Extreme Home Makeover Part One

We have been doing a few things around the house now that we have a little free time, at the boys have gotten bigger and a little more independent. (I don't want to mislead anyone -- we did not do this ourselves.) We had some wood rot that had to be fixed and re-painted. The house also needed to be painted. So, thanks to our tax return, we were able to get the house painted. We never really liked the original color and love our new color.

Doesn't it look like a brand new house???

Stay tuned for Easter festivities and more extreme home makeover.........

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The One

Today I celebrate my anniversary with my sole mate. I am so grateful to have met such a perfect man to take the adventures of my life with. What an amazing adventure it has already been! I love you Brian!