Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Look what I can do!

Without further ado, here's what Ethan is doing now. He will be 5 months old on Sunday and he is already sitting up and standing while holding on to the coffee table. Ethan loves being on his tummy. In fact, when put down on the floor on his back, Ethan immediately rolls on his tummy. I am convinced sleeping on his tummy is the reason he now sleeps 11 hours at night! I love it. Both boys are on the same sleeping schedule. I am not sure what do with the free time.

I had to show you the cute thing Benjamin does with his feet at the table. If you have ever had a meal with us, you know that we have battled food throwing, cup throwing, ect. And, yesterday, I caught Benjamin with his feet crossed at the table -- how cute! (By the way, Benjamin is not mad in this picture; he had fruit in his mouth.)

Special Visitor

Monday night we had the pleasure of cooking dinner for and visiting with our sister-in-law, Denise, who lives in Key West! (Yeah, I know -- she lives in a really cool place!) I have only met her one other time, as she lives so far away. It was nice to spend some time getting to know her. Now that we have spent some time together, I wish that she lived close (I sure wouldn't give up Key West if I were her!). She has a grandson that is 2 months older then Benjamin. So, naturally, Benjamin enjoyed "talking" to her.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Matching shirts and more......

My manager bought Benjamin and Ethan matching shirts. The problem is that they do not make "Big Brother" t-shirts in 18 months. (Big brothers are supposed to older and bigger then Benjamin. Guess that most people do not have children this close together.) So, we had to wait for Benjamin to grow into his shirt a little! This will not be the last of the matching shirts! Don't they look cute???

During the photo shoot with Benjamin, Ethan was trying to sit up -- we are very close to him sitting up on his own. Look for more pictures this week of new things that Ethan is doing. Also note the peach fuzz Ethan is growing!

We had a very windy day here yesterday; it was the outer bands of Tropical Storm Fay that hit Florida 4 different time. The wind made it cooler so we had the chance to play at the park. Benjamin loves running in the wind. Doesn't he look windblown??

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Saturday Night Party

Last night we went to a 50th Anniversary Party for a couple that Brian has known for his whole life. Brian's mom went with us, as she is good friends with the couple. Brian grew up with the couple's 7 children. Yes, I said 7! I had several thoughts while at the party.
First off, how cool is it to be at someone's 50th Anniversary? Brian and I talked about the fact that we will have this kind of party for 25th or 30th Anniversary, as we will be way too old for a big party at the 50th!
Secondly, this couple has seven children, 14 grandchildren and 1 great grandchild. Wow! What a big family. I am not sure how they survived with seven kids. It was a challenge to juggle our two kids and we had grandmother to help. I can not imagine chasing several other children around as well.
Third, Brian and I have come to realize that we are no longer going to be able to eat at parties. Benjamin was on the go way too much.
All in all, it was a really nice evening and it was fun for us all to get dressed up and go out for the evening -- even if it did end at 8:15pm!
I also had to include this cute picture of Ethan -- now that he is able to roll over, he loves sleeping on his tummy!

Look What Came in the Mail.....

So, I ordered the boys a Splat Mat. It can be used for arts and crafts, under the highchair, for a picnic, at the beach, ect. I envisioned us using it mostly for painting and picnics in the backyard. It came on Friday and we love it. The mat is wipeable and does not stain. It was a great purchase! So I have had finger paints all ready for the splat mat. Benjamin was excited to try his hand at painting but was a little concerned when he saw the paint on his hands!

If you are in the market for a mat to do messy stuff on, I suggest the splat mat from

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Who's Who?

I have been told by many people that Benjamin and Ethan look a like. These are pictures of both boys taken at 19 weeks. Can you guess which ones are Ethan and Benjamin?
(Ok, now for the answer -- 1. Ethan 2. Benjamin 3. Ethan 4. Benjamin)

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Boys' Stats

Benjamin and Ethan has their check-ups today. Both boys got shots and were not happy about it. I always love taking them for their check-up, as we get updated stats. So here they are!
Benjamin: 18 months
height: 34 1/2" (94%)
weight: 23 1/2 pounds (17%)
head circumference: 19 1/2" (89%)
Ethan: 4 months
height: 26 1/2" (88%)
weight: 16 pounds 13 ounces (76%)
head circumference: 17" (66%)
In other words, Benjamin is really tall and skinny and Ethan is tall and chunky. I guess that Ethan is taking over the "chunky monkey" title!

Let Summer Begin.....

Yes, I know it is August and there is a lot of buzz around here about first day of school clothes and getting up early (school here started last week!), but it seems like we are just getting into the swing of summer. Ethan had his first trip to the pool over the weekend and loved it. Benjamin still loves the water and it fearless! We are also enjoying the outside, when it is not so hot. I know that for most of you, summer is winding down and you are wishing it was already fall. But, at the Wilcox house, we are in full summer mode -- summer was delayed at our house -- due to the arrival of Ethan.

I found this shirt for Ethan and had to buy it. It really suits his personality. He laughs at everything and smiles just to get your attention.

Hope that everyone has had a great summmer!!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Vacation Planning

Well, we have decided to pack up the mini-van and head for the beach. We are planning for sometime in Sept. I am not sure where we are going yet, but we are looking at condos, houses, ect. I came across this house --
It is my current obsession and this is now the house Brian and I dream of when we talk about retiring on the beach!
I will keep you posted on where we end up going. Brian is laughing at me, as I am already mentally packing things for the boys!
Have a great evening.....