Wow! A year flies by so fast! It seems like just yesterday we brought you home from the hospital. And, now it is 4 years later. It also seems like you have been in our lives forever.
This year you have become more independent and want to do everything for yourself. You can dress yourself and put on your own shoes. You can also buckle yourself in your car seat.
Ethan, you add so much joy to our family and can provide levity to any situation. Your sense of humor and animated facial expressions can make anyone smile. You love to be the center of attention -- you have been known to say "OK, everyone listen to me" on more then one occasion! You are outgoing and love to talk to anyone who will listen. This year, we have been amazed at how clearly you speak -- people often thing you are older the you are!
You are willing to be a helper both at home and at schools. Your teacher talks about how you help all the girls put their mats away after nap -- you tell the girls that you have muscles and are strong! Your willingness to help spills over at home too! You love to help make dinner and jump at the chance to load the washer. You also love to help with cooking dinner. Oh, and speak of food -- you are an adventurous little boy. You have tried and love many things that most kids have never had (smoked salmon is a favorite of yours)! You seem to want to eat exactly what we are eating.
You are doing very well at school and we have been so excited listen to you spell words. You can spell about 15 words and recognize them in books. You understand about 60 Spanish words and you are quick to help translate for people who do not know Spanish. Your love of books has continued to grow -- you also love to help read books!
You are an active boy, who would much rather be outside then anywhere. You also loved the beach and wanted to go back just as soon as we got home! We moved to a new house this year (and you did not miss a beat) and you riding on the level driveway as well as down the hill to the backyard. Last fall, you played t-ball and this season you have started baseball. You can sure hold your own -- you are the youngest on the team but have shown that you can run with the big boys. You have also made new friends at our new house and again, you have no problem being the youngest one!
36 Months:
Ethan, we have seen you grow into a independent, outgoing leader this year. We loved to watch you grow before our eyes and are so excited to see what the coming year holds for you! We love you Ethan-pie!
It was at this moment (8:12 am), 4 years ago that we met you for the first time!
1 comment:
Happy Birthday Ethan! You are truly a very special BIG boy.
Love you,
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