Thursday, March 1, 2012

Benjamin's Actual Birthday

I am very behind on my postings. We have had a lot going on here in the last month. The upcoming posts will go into all that has been happening. Let's just pick up right where we left off -- Benjamin's 5th birthday.

Here is the birthday boy with fresh, home-made waffles on his birthday.

And then a few special people dropped by school at lunch (I was there too!) to help Benjamin celebrate with his class.

The look on Benjamin's face when he realized that we were going to sing to him:

Once we started singing:

Papaw and Uncle Evan with the Birthday Boy:

Benjamin's birthday continued into the next evening, when Brian got home from out of town -- Benjamin picked Barburritos for dinner!

1 comment:

Papaw said...

Loved it!!!

Happy Birthday Benjamin..
