Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Weekend in Review

We had a fun weekend at home. We had some friends come visit for the weekend from South Carolina. They have 2 little boys (a 17 month old and a 3 1/2 year old). All the boys got along very well. Benjamin loved having a playmate his exact age. Ethan love not being the littlest in the group.

We went to our neighborhood Fall Festival -- the boys loved the inflatable jump house...

Benjamin was skeptical about petting the bunnies but after seeing Ethan in the bunny pen, Benjamin wanted in!

We also grilled out and spent most of the day on Saturday outside....making great use of our toys in the backyard. (Check out Benjamin in mid-jump -- I still love my new camera!)

The boys getting ready to race.

We are now turning our focus on this weekend -- t-ball, a b-day party and most importantly -- HALLOWEEN! Look for trick or treating pictures next week.

1 comment:

Papaw said...

Great pictures, Ethan is looking much taller!