Monday, May 17, 2010

Ethan's 2nd Birthday

(Sorry for the delay in posting Ethan's birthday pictures. I also also want to thank Casey for taking these pictures - Brian's nephew, his wife and their son joined us for Easter).

Though we celebrated Ethan's birthday on Easter Sunday, he thought the whole day was about him. We had lots of outside time, cookie cake and ice cream, presents and our family. I can't think of a better way to celebrate! He loved us singing to him and smiled for all the pictures.

What a sweetie pie! This is the week Ethan has chosen to flex his "independent-2-year-old" muscles -- we are trying to potty train this week and it is not going as I had hoped. Oh, and an update on the flexing of the same said muscle.....Ethan lasted one night in his big boy bed and it took 4 hours to get to sleep. Yes, we put the crib back up and he is happy as can be!

1 comment:

Papaw said...

Happy Birthday Big Boy,
Love ya,