Monday, July 20, 2009

Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Yes, I realize that I am again behind on my posting. Better late than never! We are having a great summer and enjoying the recent cool front (lows in the low 60s and no humidity!). Weekend before last, we took the boys to a place that both Brian and I grew up going -- The Yellow River Game Ranch. They have all kinds of animals that are roaming free. The deer and goats love to be fed and petted. We also got to see black bears and a bob cat. Benjamin was not so excited. I think Ethan would have played with all the animals has we let him out of the stroller!

This is as close to the animals as Benjamin got!

Now that we have returned you to the regularly scheduled program of Wilcox Boys, there will be several more posts in the near future to catch you all up.

1 comment:

Papaw said...

Great pictures! I know they boys had a good time..
Yea Benjamin and Ethan