Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Papaw

Last weekend, we celebrated Papaw's birthday. But first, Brian, the boys and I had a picnic at the "big park." The boys loved eating outside on a blanket and they always love the bumpy slide (seen here).

Ethan enjoying the shade while dining on a gourmet lunch of peanut butter and jelly!

Benjamin trying to decide which slide to go down next!

Later in the day, we met up with Papaw and Uncle Evan. I never pass up a chance to get great pictures of the boys in their snazzy clothes!

Now, if everyone would look at the camera at the same time!

Hope everyone is have a great weekend. We have been busy laying some ground work for great things for the boys (stay tuned for more info.) and we are looking forward to playing at the pool a little later today.


Papaw said...

Benjamin and Ethan looked really sharp, thanks everyone for celebrating my birthday with me and the gifts.
Love ya,

Uncle Evan said...

Happy Birthday, indeed.
And the boys were certainly on their best behavior. Maybe next year they can both sing to Pawpaw.