Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Ethan's Fisrt Birthday

A celebration fit for a King (I am referring to Ethan, not Evan)......... We celebrated Ethan's First Birthday on Easter Sunday. We had a fun time playing with all the new toys Ethan got. Ethan was far more interested in the wrapping and packaging then the presents themselves -- this is until, Benjamin started playing with Ethan's new toys. Then, Ethan was fascinated by all the new goodies.

Ethan loves his new helicopter.

On to the fun stuff:

Ethan loves making a mess and really enjoyed the icing.

Let's wash all that down with a little milk.....


papaw said...

Great Job Ethan with the Cake. I loved your Birthday party.
Happy First..


Uncle Evan said...

Happy First Birthday, little man.