Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Enjoying the Spring

In honor of Earth Day today, we appreciated spring and spent a good bit of time outside. (As a side note, Brian and I cleaned out our closets and have a bunch of wire hangers that I am taking back to the dry cleaners to re-cycle.)
Ok -- back to Spring -- There is a really big rock by our house, known as what else -- "The Big Rock." The boys love going there and today we took a few books with us.

Guess which one of daddy's buddies just said his first word??? Yep, that would be Ethan.

Again, at the big rock.

In the spring, I love buying new shoes. The last two springs I was busy caring for a few babies. But, this spring, I am back -- here are a pair of my new shoes getting a second test drive. Funny, Benjamin doesn't want to try on his own new shoes, but mine are a different story!

Books at the big rock.

In case you have not guessed, Benjamin loves books. Ethan is fast following in his big brother's footsteps. Ethan said his first word yesterday. He brought me a book and said "book." Today he has already tried to say several other words. I am thinking that he will talk as much as the rest of the family!


Grandmother said...

This is the best idea you have had since marrying Brian & having 2 great boys, This blog is what I'm talking about I absolutly love it. Thank you for this precious gift.

Papaw said...

Great Spring Pictures.. Yea Ethan for saying your first word "Book", great job.. I know where the "Big Rock" is and it is a great place to go especially with grandsons.
