Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Breakfast with the Big Boys

Ethan sits with us while we eat, and, sometimes, Ethan eats with us. This morning, he was not ready for his baby food. I gave him a few puffs to entertain himself with. (Puffs are like Cheerios) So while he sat with Benjamin and I, Ethan managed to get a few puffs in his mouth. This is the first time he has been able to get food in his mouth!

As Brian and I were saying goodbye this morning, Benjamin said "bye, bye Dada." He has been saying bye bye for a long time but just recently started putting words together.

I sat in amazement of both boys this morning. They are growing up so fast! (It also looks like Benjamin may be giving up his morning nap -- mama is sad about this!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Benjamin is giving up his nap, maybe he can put mama down for her nap and the proceed to clean up the house, make dinner, etc.

Ethan can supervise from his "high chair."