Thursday, September 20, 2012

Plaaaaay Balllll!

I realize that it may seem like life at our house has been quiet for the last month or two - you know, because there have been no blog posts recently.  But I can assure you that life has begun moving at a faster-then-warp-speed pace!  The boys started playing baseball for the athletic association that is part of the school system that Benjamin attends.  This is our first season with them.  I have to admit I had concerns about switching leagues.  The league the boys used to play for did not keep score ("everyone is a winner") and the umpires interacted with and gave the kids batting suggestions.  

We have arrived at "The Big League!"  The league we play for now has a player draft in the pre-season and yes, we keep score!  And, no the umpire did not provide coaching advise or help tie a shoe!  We have had practices and scrimmages, all leading up tonight -- our first game.

We have been fortunate that the boys are on the same team and will get to be for the next season or two!  The boys love having Brian pitch to them (Yes, Brian is the team pitcher).  

Here's Benjamin playing short stop:

And, Ethan is in left center field, backing up third base and short stop:

The boys, "baseball ready":
There will be more pictures from future games, but as the dugout mom, I struggled to snap these tonight.  Oh, and for those of you interested, the score was 13-10. Winning the first game was so sweet for the boys!

P.S.  I hope to have a post up soon about what else has been going on around our house -- we are knee-deep in a house project and I have been taking pictures along the way.  


Papaw said...

Play Ball! The boys did great too. Exciting Game....


Uncle Evan said...

Swing, batter, swing....