Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Benjamin!

Wow! Benjamin, how is it possible that you are already turning 4? It seems like just yesterday I was up all night on February 1st because I knew you were coming the next day and I was so excited to meet you that I could not sleep!

This year has brought so many new and exciting things for you. We have watched in amazement as you have blossomed into a very extroverted, funny and boisterous little boy. You love your family and we often hear you telling us "Remember what I told you? I'll be your best friend." You play so well with Ethan and love being his brother (though there are moments that you remind Ethan that you are the BIG brother and try to tell him what to do!).

You are such a wonderful helper to us and take pride in your work. This year, you have learned to dress your self and even snuck downstairs after your nap and had dressed your self! You have learned to trace all your letters and can write a few letters on your own. You are able to spell and recognize about 30 words (including your current favorite - Batman). You can understand and speak about 60 Spanish words and phrases and are quick to translate for our friends who do not know Spanish!

We love how social you have become! In fact, when we pick you up from school we always hear how helpful you were to new friends in your class and we hear about who your best friend is. You enjoy talking to people any where we are and can hold a great conversation!

Though you eat a lot, you are so active and stay very skinny. Last fall you played on a T-Ball team and had so much fun. You hustled after every ball and loved batting! You would much rather be outside in the yard or at the park then in the house.

We are so glad that you are a part of our lives and we love to see you growing up before our eyes. We are looking forward to seeing what this year holds for you!

36 Months:

37 Months:

38 Months:

39 Months:

40 Months:

41 Months:

42 Months:

43 Months:

44 Months:

45 Months:

46 Months:

47 Months:

Note: At this minute (7:52 am), 4 years ago, we met Benjamin for the first time!


Uncle Evan said...

Best wishes on your birthday, Benjamin. You are such a very special boy.

Papaw said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY BENJAMIN!!! I love you and am happy you are a part of our family..

Love ya,