Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Ethan

Happy Birthday to the littlest member of our family! Ethan, though you may be littlest in size (not buy much -- you are only 3 pounds lighter then your brother right now), you make up for it in personality. This year we have enjoyed seeing you become the little boy that you are -- full of laughs and energy and you always have a hug or high five to give out! There is not much you are scared of and you are a great problem-solver (much to our dismay, at 18 months, you figured out how to open the baby-proof locks on cabinets). You can count to 10 and know your colors. This year you moved from an in-home daycare to "the new school" and now have lots of friends to play with. You are learning Spanish and can count to 5 and know your body parts in Spanish. We are working on colors in Spanish now! You are great at sharing with your brother and are a wonderful helper to mommy and daddy. You love to load the washer and help unload the dishwasher.

On one hand you are so eager to grow up like big brother (you have already gone pee pee in the potty several times and love drinking out of a big cup); on the other hand, you still like to be sung to at night and sit in the rocking chair with mommy. You are getting ready to move to a big boy bed very soon! Your vocabulary has grown so much in the last few months and everyone continues to comment on your bright blue eyes and big smile. We are so thankful to have such a loving, caring and giving son. We love you Ethan!

23 months:

22 months:

21 months:

20 months:

19 months:

18 months:

17 months:

16 months:

15 months:

14 months:

13 months:

12 months:

We are celebrating Ethan's birthday on Easter with the family -- more celebration pictures to follow.


Papaw said...

Happy Birthday Ethan, you are a big boy now! You are very special.

Love ya,

Uncle Evan said...

Segundo cumpleaños feliz, Señor Ethan.