Friday, January 29, 2010

Happy 3rd Birthday Benjamin

Benjamin, wow -- we can not believe that you are already three! It seems like just a few short days ago that we brought you home from the hospital and had to pretend we knew what we were doing! This has been an amazing year for you and we have really enjoyed watching you grow and learn. You listen to everything around you and pick up new words all the time -- in fact, at 28 months (much to mommy's chagrin) you said "oh sh**" after you heard mommy say it. You are always asking questions and want to know the reason behind things and then have the ability to recall most anything. We have also loved watching you grow as a big brother -- someone that Ethan looks up to. You have truly become a playmate to Ethan, but are very quick to tell him what to do (yes, we know that is part of being big brother)! At 2 1/2 years old, you were eager to be potty trained and made the task very easy. At about the same time, you moved from an in-home daycare to "the new school." You have impressed us with the things you learn at the new school and we love to talk about your day. It is music to our ears to hear you say words and phrases in Spanish (you know about 30 words and phrases and can count to 10 in Spanish)....and, speak of music, you look for any reason to dance! Your love for books has only gotten stronger -- you know all the words to your favorite books (we have even "caught" you reading to Ethan!). You also amazed us with your ability to spell you name and say your complete address. We have watched you grow from a shy, pensive 2 year old into a outgoing, boisterous, "I can do it myself," three year old. You attempt to dress yourself, but get frustrated with the socks not being correct. And, just before your third birthday, you learned to tell time on the hour. This has been a fun and exciting year and we look forward to the adventures of the coming years.

24 months

25 months

26 months

27 months

28 months

29 months

30 months

31 months

32 months

33 months

34 months

35 months

Happy Birthday Benjamin! We love you very much!


Papaw said...



Uncle Evan said...

Such a handsome, smart and loving son - you and Brian have done such an amazing job. Happy anniversary to you both for three great years of parenting!