Tonight we had several bad storms come through right at bath and bedtime. Neither of the boys enjoy a rainy evening. After much screaming and many tears, the bath was over. Then I attempted to put lotion and jammies on two little boys who were stuck like glue to me (and fighting over who could clutch to me tighter. We made it down stairs for some ice cream and the winds kicked up again. We all had to sit under the blanket and snuggle -- in fact, Ethan fell asleep.
Overheard at our house tonight:
Mommy: Benjamin, the rain is watering the flowers. They are thirsty and need water. Have you ever seen a tree drink from a sippy cup?
Benjamin: No. (then the thunder starts again). Mommy, it's just a little bit of funder. That's all.
Mommy: You are right --just a little thunder. You are safe in the house. Hey, look at the trees, they look like they are dancing (we had pre-school music on to drown out the thunder) to the music.
Benjamin: No mommy, that is the wind blowing the trees. Storms comin'
Alright then. Needless to say, Benjamin stayed up a little later until the storms went! Here are the boys during a break in the storm, awaiting ice cream.
Glad the storms are over too, maybe that is a way everything gets a bath! Great convertable pictures.. Maybe the boys would like to sit in the real convertable???
Nice conversation - and, no, I have never seen a tree drink from a sippy cup. But it does sound like a line from a children's book. Hope the diaper standoff is almost over...
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