Ok -- so I am having some blog challenges this weekend. This pictures are out of order but I can not move them around, as I usually do. So, please bear with me. (I have load the pictures three times now!)
Our staycation has been fun. We went to the Aquarium and ate dinner ITP (we took Papaw, Gebee and Uncle Evan along for the fun as well). Here is a picture of Ethan waiting for our wonderful dinner after the Aquarium.
Benjamin and Gebee at dinner after seeing all the fish. Benjamin was pretending to order his dinner by looking at the "menu.".JPG)
Benjamin is telling Papaw all about the "nemo fish."
We also enjoyed a breakfast out one morning. Ethan truly enjoyed the chocolate chip pancakes (it may be hard to see, but that is chocolate smeared all over his face).
Due to the rain here during our staycation, we spent a lot of tine just playing on the floor with the boys. It was so nice for all of us to be together for a few days. Brian's travel with work is getting ready to increase and I know that the boys will be missing him, as will I!