Wednesday, August 5, 2009

New School

This has been a week of changes. The boys started a new school this week and we have all been so excited. I am not going to fib you, they boys were very tearful on their first day, but things have gotten much better. Benjamin and Ethan spent some time at the school last week to get eased into the transition. And after only two days, Benjamin is naming body parts in Spanish and going to the potty by himself. Ethan has made several friends and can say "hola" -- he can't even say hello yet! The boys are in separate classes but get to see each other on the playground!

In addition to all of these changes, Ethan climbed an entire flight of stairs holding onto a handrail and is now only taking one nap a day. All theses changes, make for lots of excitement at our house!


Uncle Evan said...

Looks like they are adjusting to their new school very well. When is "Bring your Uncle to School Day"?

Papaw said...

Great Pictures! Looks like Ethan i growing up, Benjamin looks like he has a "wait and see attitude", glad they are adjusting.