I know, I am way behind in posting. These are pictures from Father's Day at Papaw's house. Brian got a much deserved few house of quiet time at home. (He says he watched golf, but I think he took a long nap!) Speak of naps.....both the boys were so worn out from playing with Papaw and Uncle Evan that these were in my rear-view mirror on the way home.
Sleepy but too enthralled by Little Einsteins DVD to sleep.
Benjamin playing with Uncle Evan.

Ethan does not usually stay still long enough for pictures....this was a special day!
Lately, our days and night have been consumed with paint, caulk, new teeth, getting rid of a certain someone's paci, mulch and pinestraw. The extreme home make-over is complete. Stay tuned for pictures of it all. We are so glad to be done with the most labor intensive home improvement project to date.