We have been busy running errands all week -- I won't bore you with the details. But the boys continue to amaze me and Brian with the things that they say and do.
Ethan has been quiet the snuggler these days. He is getting a few more teeth and also has been a little under the weather. I know that you can't tell from this picture!
Ethan's newest thing is sniper crawling under things -- including between our legs and under the kitchen table (he seems to always find a little more snack under there).
The boys love this big dump truck that Papaw got them. Amazingly, it only took them 30 minutes to figure out how to sit in the bed of the truck and push each other around!
We have been going through their toys, tying to get rid of the things that they no longer play with. This rocking cow has been around our barn for a while and had been sitting in a corner. So, I put it in the "bye-bye" pile. Now, all of the sudden, they have to play with it all the time.
Earlier in the week we went down to see Uncle Evan. The boys wanted to go to the park at Piedmont Park.
Ethan really like driving the fire truck.
Captain Benjamin reporting for work!
We are having Thanksgiving at our house and I am thankful that our family will be here to celebrate with us. I have been waiting to make my home-made apple pie, since I ate the last piece of pie the day after Thanksgiving last year!