Benjamin - you are a five year old today! How can it even be possible that the last 5 years have flown by but yet is seems like you have been in our lives forever. Mommy and Daddy often talk about how we don't remember life before Benjamin. You give us many reasons to smile everyday. We are so glad to have you as our son!
The last year you have truly grown into a little boy who is very outgoing and very eager to tell us (and others!) a story or what you learned at school. In fact, you recently transitioned to more advanced Pre-K class at school and your new teacher had to ask you to be quiet (not once but twice) on your first day!
You are very loving and are always ready with a hug, kiss, bump and a high five when we drop you off at school or say good night to you. You are caring and concerned for your brother -- we have even seen you come to his defense on the playground!
The things that you have learned in the last year have been nothing short of amazing! You can write all your letters -- upper and lowercase, can recognize and spell about 250 site words, are reading beginner books and can do basic addition and subtraction. You are fascinated with the solar system, dinosaurs, and the human body. (We were not prepared for the things you have learned this year and got a kick out of your correcting us - there really are only 8 planets now -- Pluto is now a "dwarf planet.")
You have adjusted well to moving into a new house this year and have made several friends who will be in elementary school with you in the fall. We have a swing set (with a "rock box") and you would be content to play outside every day - rain, sleet or snow! Our new house has a level driveway and basketball goal; you have been able to add basketball to your list of sports. Your love for baseball has continued with two seasons of t-ball under your belt! You are ready for coach-pitch baseball now!
Being constantly on the go requires a lot of fuel -- you eat more then we do! You are a great eater and love your fruits and veggies. If asked, you would say your favorite food is pizza or Mexican food.
Benjamin you are a thoughtful, caring, independent little boy. As we say good bye to Benjamin, the newborn, baby, toddler and pre-schooler, we look to the next year and are so excited to see what is in store for the school-aged Benjamin -- a "Bigger Boy" (as Benjamin would say).
48 Months:
Happy Birthday Benjamin, we love you!
(At this exact moment (7:52am) 5 years ago, we met Benjamin for the first time.