Sunday, October 25, 2009

Great Fall Weekend

This weekend was a full of fall fun -- say that fast five times! We went to a fall festival and the boys loved the hay maze. As you can tell from the picture, it was COLD! We did not stay long. Saturday night, Brian and I celebrated his birthday with fondue done at home. What a fun dinner!
Today, we had our trial run for Halloween -- the costume contest in our neighborhood. The boys took a little while to get adjusted to their costumes but did not want to take them off tonight. Benjamin even let me draw whiskers on his cheeks -- what a brave little lion!

There has been much discussion at our house about what a lion says -- we (Ethan included) know that a lion says "ROAR." Then, recently, Benjamin asked -- "Mommy, what does a penguin say?" Any ideas? For now, Ethan is a roaring penguin!

Hope that everyone had a great weekend. They boys are very excited about carving pumpkins this week. Stay tuned!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Happy Fall Y'all Part Two

As promised, here are more of the wonderful pictures from our fall day at the pumpkin patch. Papaw and Ethan are checking out the ponies -- Ethan is not so sure.
Benjamin is helping Brian with the apple sling shot -- I think that Brian was having way more fun the Benjamin!

Here we are on the hayride. The boys loved getting to see all the corn and pumpkins.

And, I have saved the best for last. When asked if Ethan wanted to ride the horsies, Ethan smiled and said "yeah, yeah." Giddy Up Ethan!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Happy Fall Y'all

We went to a pumpkin patch and apple orchard over the weekend. The boy were so excited to see pumpkins. Benjamin walks around saying "it's almost punkin time!" and Ethan says "punk" for pumpkin. They had so much fun -- except for this picture (when mommy told them to sit still so I could take their picture)!

Ethan found the gravel tasty.
They had a mini corn maze for the little ones. Evan was kind enough to escort the boys through.

A rare picture of Brian and me together.

Evan "escorting" (and by escorting, I mean chasing) Benjamin through the maze.

Benjamin and Brian going down a big slide. I believe that it was at this exact second that Brian realized he bruised his tailbone. Do you see it in his face???

The boys looking like apples....I was not able to persuade Papaw to pose as an apple.

Stay tuned for part two of the pumpkin patch -- pictures of Papaw with the boys and Ethan venturing out a little!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

2 1/1 Year Old Entertainment

Yes, those are stickers. Enough said!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

We ended last weekend with some time outside. All of us are dried our from the 19 inches of rain we got in 36 hours. Fortunately for us, there was no damage to our house or vehicles -- the rain was just an inconvenience for a few days.
As I have mentioned, Brian is doing much more traveling now and we love spending every minute with him that he is home and able to play with us.

This weekend is set to be one with lots of outside time -- and maybe an adventure or two thrown in for good measure!