So, I have just realized that it has been 12 day since my last post. WOW! I know that is way too long to go without new pictures of the boys. We have had a busy 2 weeks at our house.
Here are the highlights from the last 2 weeks: * We had my Aunt and Uncle from Michigan here. They met Benjamin when he was 4 months old and had never met Ethan. We were so glad to see them -- they boys loved having new people to play with. In fact, Benjamin asks everyday when my Aunt and Uncle are coming back! * Ethan's two teeth are much more visible (see picture below) and he seems to have a few more on the way. * Ethan is climbing the stairs (yes, all the way to the top), but not walking on his own yet. We think it will be very soon though. * Benjamin can recognize all his letters and can count to 10 now. * We signed Benjamin up preschool -- he will start in the fall and go 2 mornings a week for 1/2 day. Benjamin is as excited about his "new school" as we are!
The Boys on the landing of our stairs. It has become a new play area for them!
Still on the landing -- notice the gate in the background (so Ethan does not go upstairs alone).
Benjamin with his snack:.JPG)
Benjamin and my Aunt at an educational kids place -- he loves playing in the water there!
No only can Ethan climb up the stairs, he is climbing on Benjamin's chair to get a peek outside.
Ethan at the educational kids place -- he is watching Benjamin paint.
Ethan proud of climbing to the landing -- also look closely and you will see two little teeth on the bottom.
You will notice that in most of the pictures, the boys are in fleece sleepers. It has been really cold here and the boys are wearing fleece sleepers all day and all night -- yes, we change them into clean sleepers at night! Stay warm and sorry for the long post.