So Ethan is 4 months old now -- we are so lucky to have had a second really great newborn! I will be taking both boys to the doctor for a check-up (Ethan's 4 month and Benjamin's 18 month) in two weeks. I will post their stats then. Ethan is sleeping 10 hours a night and not waking at all. It is so nice to not have to get up in the night. He is laughing and cooing all the time. He cries when you set him down -- he loves it when you hold him upright.

Grandmother came over at watched Ethan so that Benjamin and I could go swimming. Grandmother sure knows how to get a baby to sleep.

We also started Ethan on baby food. The cereal was going ok -- but in the last few days, Ethan was wanting to eat more often and we are not going back to the waking up at night thing. So, here you can see Ethan is eating squash. He loves it! In fact, he cries when there is no more food and it seems like I can't feed him fast enough! Like brother, like brother. (Benjamin did the same thing).