Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fall Fun Part II

As I catch you up on the last 3 months of what is going on at our house, I wanted to make sure we talked about Buford Baseball.  The boys played baseball for the athletic association connected with the school Benjamin attends.  This league demands more and is more competitive then the league we played in the past.  (I was a little worried if the move to this league was going to be too much on the boys - I was wrong, by the way.)

Brian was the pitcher for the games he was in town for.  (There are no pictures of me - I was "Dug-Out  Mom.)  The boys will play again in the Spring and so excited.  Brian will pitch again and I am considering a move to assistant coach!

The season ended and we rolled right into Halloween

By the end of the night, they did not even resemble a pirate or Frankenstein!  

And then right after Halloween, we rolled right into Karate.  The boys now have a month of Karate under their belts (and after two weeks they earned their white belt -- the first belt, for those of you not familiar with the hierarchy of belts), and doing very well.
I am almost caught up.......

1 comment:

Papaw said...

The boys are really growing. Love the picture updates..